Old-Biscuit wrote:
drsteve wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
Piece work.......Quality
2 concepts that are at opposite ends of spectrum
"Come On folks. 12 units for today. Get them done by Noon and we ALL can go home!"
Not necessarily. What they are lacking is quality control inspectors.
"Nobody goes home until these 12 units can pass QC! Do it right the first time, guys!"
That unfortunately is NOT how 'piece work' is done.
If you ever get the chance go on a factory tour where piece work is used.......folks RUNNING here/there
No slow down, no rework, no REAL oversight----just slap them together/git r done.
Seen it, experienced it (in housing construction), tried to deal with it ....HAahahaha
"We get them built, if complaints then that is what the 'pickup man' is for....."
Dealers ARE the pickup man for RV Mfg.
Some good----most just wish customer would go away.
Great reasons to avoid purchasing a RV of any kind. Enjoyed traveling for 6 yrs. in Holiday Rambler MH"s without any breakdowns. Never in a Dealers shop. From what I read, those kind of RV's are not available now. Nothing but junk. Keeps me out of the market along with many others.