There are a lot of folks who have been cooped up for a year now that are thinking The RV life looks.... interesting. And some who have been forced to "Downsize" though when you figure some of those Class A's go from between 100 grand new up to over a quarter million (250,000) I'm not sure how much "Downsizing" it is $$$ wise.
but Enjoy I just downsized (last year) From a 100,000 new RV with terminal damage from an aggressive seim (no injury) to an apartment.. What downsized.. Well I was paying off the RV loan a bit faster than the bank desired in order to pay it off sooner.. and the monthly check was larger than the monthly rent.
There is much more.. it was time to move on and I think the Rig was about to hit me with a MAJOR fix me bill so I'm not at all upset.. Feeling better than I have in a while in fact.