RGar974417 wrote:
My Nissan Titan gas model has a 24 gallon tank. Not much when you're towing and getting 9mpg. Was wondering if anyone uses something like this to haul extra gas. Would use it for emergencies,fuel generator of occassionally refuel truck from bed when not at a gas station. Have any of you used something like this:https://www.amazon.com/DuraMax-Fluid-Transfer-14-Gallon-Rolling/dp/B000MT94QA/ref=pd_ys_c_rfy_15706941_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000MT94QA&pd_rd_r=CPNRRYXSZVMDFXCB6VC0&pd_rd_w=ZLZjV&pd_rd_wg=FnatA&psc=1&refRID=6807GWQMYFB0NXPYPYZ9 Would it be safe if sercured in the bed?
I tow with a 20 Gallon tank with about the same towing milage on my Tacoma. Not retired yet so not doing that type of rving but there has been a few times I had wished I had the extra gas so I could continue to go past the undersized, conjusted urban gas stations here in the north east... but I make do.