tomman58 wrote:
Next we have the person that thinks you will move over for him as he enters the freeway........ wrong not moving because I have a semi passing on the right.
Yup BTDT. Car attempted to merge in the space between the truck and 5th wheel. Fairly low speed and I thought she was going behind me. She got a failure to yield citation and her insurance paid all damages. This stuff can be learned the easy way or the hard way.
If I can help a bit to get them to have some open space I do but there are limits of what a large vehicle can be expected to actually do. Especially compared to a regular car.
I does amaze me how many people will so effortlessly line up with my door panel instead of the huge open space in front or behind me.
Of course no one wants to get trapped behind a large slow vehicle. Must I let 3, 5, 8 cars wedge in front of me? Then they get all bunched up slam on the brakes. And they wonder why we go a bit slower.