When you look at distances, a good rule of thumb (and also easy math to do in your head) is an average of 50 mph. Not that you'll be driving that slowly, but once you figure in stops for fuel, food, bio, etc, it comes out to about 50 mph.
Next, figure out your personal preference for driving. How far do you like to drive in a day and how many days in a row do you feel like driving? This will determine how far you can get with your available time.
Another variable is what kind of camper are you? Do you like to stay in RV parks, state parks, COE, boondocking, etc.? Do you make reservations and stick to a schedule, or do you like to wing it?
My wife and I took an 11,000 mile trip year before last without any solid destinations or reservations. We never backtracked, which gave us three general compass points to choose from on any travel day (ruling out the direction we just came from). The night before a travel day, I would pin my wife down to a general direction and then I'd glance at the available places to stay in that area. Then the next day on the road around one or two in the afternoon I'd start to bug her to pick us a spot and call ahead to book it. I don't think we could get away with that during the current RV boom though.
And yes, this probably isn't the right place for this question. The Roads and Routes forum is really for directions and suggestions for getting to Point B from Point A. I'll move this to General RVing for you.