Hang on to your wallet. That is an understatement for sure. Costs for medical services are on a continuous rise. Many reasons for that have been discussed here like Doctors, other health care professionals, supplies, hospitals, and it goes on.
I spent the last 3 days in our local community hospital having been taken there by the local ambulance service and a home visit by our Fire Dept. E.M.T.s with a so called case of community based Pneumonia. Breathing was heavily restricted. In all cases during that experience From when it started at home to its ending when I left the hospital every service and experience I had getting back on my feet was Top Notch and the best. Services like that are going to have to be paid for. What I don't fully understand is why these costs are on the rise in such large sums and why there is no pause in the increases. It is that condition that gives rise to the comments regarding GREED. Maybe so Maybe not, But we need to identify the problem and correct it before it breaks us. I am not aware of any activity to do that at this time.