Increased premiums since Obamacare are only the tip of the devastating iceberg!
We have seen a more than doubling also and extreme deductibles and insane annual co-pay limits. Most insured thru Obamacare would be financially devastated before even reaching them as a very high percentage are on a fixed income but too much to qualify for a subsidy as you need to be barely at an existance level to be qualified in most areas of the USA.
Vastly increased deductibles and even the grossly increased annual co-opays are really further extremely increased insurance premiums as it all comes right out of the same wallet, YOURS! Why do most people fail to see that as it's so distinctly clear? That "single payer" is really YOU! Sudsidies actually come from the people themselves so it's simply taking out of your one wallet to put in your other. It's really your own money that's being taken from you with only a small portion being given back only IF you qualify!
Retirees in general are really getting hurt very bad and many are simply not seeking needed medical help and proceedures as they can't afford to pay the deductibles or to get remotely close to their annual max co-pays. Thus, millions are left to suffer during their retirement years until it's too late and then the medical costs are extreme plus and many don't survive what would have been a normal average correctible medical issue earlier. We know many of these and some are good friends of ours and it hits home!!!