Why don't you look at what the part A & B premium was back 5 years ago for example and what deductibles and exclusions it had. It's in black and white and undeniable but that isn't what my post was about.
It's about parts C & D which is where your Healthcare Insurance Carrier actually becomes your only Medicare Coverage agent and gets your SS deduction for your Medicare Insurance from the Gov for the basic A & B portions and includes it with your C & D. Your Medicare card is useless as it's your Healthcare Insurance member card and your ID number they want and must have and they bill your insurance carrier directly. Was made very clear to us many times over and over as my wife's had over a dozen surgeries just since she retired 14-1/2 years ago and is disabled and needs lots of meds daily. I've had 3 surgeries myself also since.
Talk to your Health care Insurance coverage agent and get to know what's really happening. You do NOT show your Medicare Card when retired and then must have supplemental C & D coverage to a doctor's office or a hospital etc, you show your Insurance provider's Healthcare Card as they are who will actually pay the bill after your co-pays and deductibles have been met/reached and paid by you out of your own wallet. No money to cover your healthcare checkups, prescriptions, operations, or proceedures come from Medicare, it comes from your Healthcare Insurer as they are really your only insurer. Call your doctor, hospital, and pharmacy, etc if you don't believe me! Where do you really think those premiums, co-pays, and deductibles monies come from? Your wallet!
Medicaid is normally different as it's basically a welfare system on steriods and notice how much it's grown and who do you think is paying for it? Just dig deeper and deeper and enjoy!