I see some big misconceptions here. Regarding subsidies...it is true that people below a certain income level get help from the government in paying for their insurance...but where that money comes from seems foggy for many. You think it's coming out of your pocket..and a little bit of it is. The government is paying out on one hand, but on the other hand they are saving in other programs like medicaid, medicare, food stamps and welfare. You may have noticed last week that the CBO says that the ACA is saving the government billions and reducing the deficit. This happens because people with insurance go to the doctor regularly or at least when they first get sick. Google up some comparisons between the cost of a doctor's visit vs and ER visit, or the difference between treatment of cancer at stage one compared to stage three. Or just look at any disease you'd like and compare costs saved by early treatment. Good, timely medical treatment and having insurance means that fewer people are facing medical bankruptcies (was the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US)so they don't need unemployment, food stamps, welfare, medicaid, etc.
Our dysfunctional congress gave us a far less than perfect ACA and continues to make it impossible to fix things that are wrong with it (for instance, if dad gets insurance at work but the cost of adding family members is cost prohibitive, but it is technically available, the family is not eligible for subsidies to insure mom and kids. This was an unintended glitch but there is no chance of congress fixing it is there? There are several others) However, imperfect as it is ACA has averted the certain train wreck our economy was headed toward and had it not been implemented total health care costs would have almost doubled by the end of this year. We would have been worse off that we were in 2008.
And the 51% vs 49% not only lost Romney the election, it was not accurate to start with.