Your post about those who have contributed into Medicare and VA NOT being socialistic is 100% accurate and very true! Especially as to healthcare as it's you and the others like you who have made it possible for there to even be such in existence.
Being self employed for 99+% of my after college means I had contributed double the percentage of my income to SS/Medicare and others. Self employed persons pay both the employers half and the employees half of SS which is exactly double what a hired employee pays. I more than paid for any Medicare or SS benefits I will receive. So far from being "socialistic" or "socialism"!
I strongly favor personal SS/Medical savings accounts with each of them receiving interest on at the federal bank loan rate on the amount of balance accrued at the end of each quarter period of each year or even semi-annually. We have computers today that will do that automatically so it's not a bookkeeping issue. You only can receive the total value accrued in your own SS account and should you die before your fund us exhausted and ALL debts INCLUDING your healthcare expenses left at the time of your death have been paid in full and your estate having been disolved or passed on to your surviving spouse or designated legal blood children per your will, the remaining balance will go to the next of kin or the benefactor/benefactors in your legal registered will.
Any death tax collected can only be used for paying off any remaing balance where the account holder's medical expenses exceeded their total savings and estate. The death tax fund being available only for such use for the individual account holder or the legal U.S. citizen's general public accounts holders needs. It's your money and why shouldn't you have control of where it will go and to where you want it to go? You don't pay in, you will not and cannot receive out either!
The freebies and population lives control are what socialism is really about. Neither Medicare nor VA healthcare is remotely related to socialism!