bid_time wrote:
John & Angela wrote:
Question from a foreigner interested in other cultures. If an American can't afford insurance for diagnosis or treatment, is there some kind of backup plan. You read stories but its hard to cut though it all for a foreigner. We live in the US a few months per year but its all quite confusing. Does it also vary state to state?
Thanks in advance.
J and A
If they can't afford it, per gov guidelines, they get Medicaid (taxpayer provided medical care) for free. If they choose not to buy insurance, hospitals are required to treat them regardless.
They only get Medicaid if their income is below poverty level.
Afford is subjective....
Over the poverty level you can get gov. subsides to off-set premiums IF you can afford to pay for coverage (after you pay for home/utilities/child care/food/fuel etc.)
And if you find that you can't afford the premiums you will pay a penalty/fee when you file your Federal Taxes.
Which at present is less than the cost of healthcare premiums and then you go to emergency rooms to get care.