WyoTraveler wrote:
At 75 years old nothing much amazes me any more when they have to write on labels that I can't use a hair dryer in my bathtub or shower. I do wonder sometimes though what these kids are learning in school. When I was a kid my parents didn't cover AC outlets. They just said NO and I listened. So I still am wondering what part of NO do these kids not understand? Use heat tape correctly and golly gee no problems.
My Dad, the Master Electrician, taught me a valuable lesson about electricity under the Christmas tree when I was about 3 or 4. While Dad was trying to find the bad bulb in a string of the old series connected light bulbs, I wanted to get involved. My Mom, seeing what I was doing, shouted at Dad to watch out for me as I was about to stick my finger in a bulb socket. Dad, without a hint of concern said,"Go ahead, put your finger in there".
Besides all the rest that he taught me, it was one lesson that I am eternally grateful to have been taught. Thanks, Dad!
Yes, one has to be very cautious when using an electrical heating device. I know there are many tragedies every winter in our State from using electric space heaters, too.