Several years ago when the 700 club was into their literacy across America program I was doing some painting at a service station and had placed 5 wet paint signs at the entrance, at pumps and on the door into the store. I was finishing up painting lines around the building walkway when a late model crew cab truck pulled into the pump lane. A well dress young man got out and looked in my direction and we made eye contact. He started pumping his fuel and I finished up my painting.
I went inside and was standing at the counter talking to the manager when the man can in, and as he did he looked at me and said, "I believe I stepped in your paint." He was making paint tracks into the store. I said to him, " It is interesting that you did that because they are telling on TV that 40 percent of the American adults are illiterate."
He very belligerent said in a loud voice to me, " I have you know that I read your signs." To which I replied, "Now that is interesting." :)