Wow, you are one lucky dude, DesertHawk. I'm glad you finally listened to your body before it was tooooo late. My grandmother and an uncle both died of "indigestion." I can't even tell you how many Rolaids they used in the weeks prior to the Big One. Back in that day, we didn't know as much about heart attack symptoms and they weren't too inclined to go to the doctor anyway. They just loaded up on heartburn medicine and kept on going. Too bad. Grandma died of a massive heart attack at 72, a month after brother also died of a heart attack. And my uncle died in his mid-50s after suffering at home for almost 18 hours. By the time he decided maybe he should go to the doctor, it was too late. He died in the passenger seat at a stop light on a deserted street. My aunt and her three young children were devastated.
That's my long way of saying, take care of yourself. I'm really glad you got treatment, even though it's not going to be easy and definitely not fun.