time2roll wrote:
Jayco-noslide wrote:
1 poster stated "no financial person will ever recommend purchasing something you can't afford" I disagree. It depends on what "afford" means. To me it doesn't mean you can make the payments. it means that I can pay cash for it. In other words, pay for it the day I buy it and not delay paying for many years through monthly payments. Financial people not only state that it's OK to finance but actually a good thing. Wrong. Homes excluded. It was Dave Ramsey that got me started thinking about this.
I am OK making payments however there are plenty of predatory (and regular) lenders that will make loans the borrower cannot afford. Very few lenders do any digging to determine affordability. Maybe a home lender does some. Mostly people self qualify themselves for the loan and the lender does a quick scan for monster red flags.
Dave is a good guy with good advice.
If you think the person approving your loan is a financial adviser you are mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Ramsey approach. But this is also an ultra conservative approach that will mute your potential investment gains.