Also, before you go drilling holes in the A-frame, read Reese's instructions. They specify a distance from the centerline of the coupler to the cam arm bracket. It looks like you have too many exposed threads and need to move the brackets rearward. Typically with the trailer level, you would set the ball on the TV an inch higher to compensate for squat. The chains need to be vertical or close to it. When you get to that point, it's important to get the cam arms centered exactly on the ends of spring bars and can take a while.
If you haven't ready the sticky on setting up a dual cam WDH yet, now would be the time to do so. you do get the Reese dual cam installed and adjusted correctly, it is awesome. Took me one season to get it tweaked right and ended up getting a ball with a 1" rise to optimize it. Don't expect it to work the way you'd expect overnight.