noe-place wrote:
How does Dish Cube work? I just installed new HD TV's in our MH and am thinking about this in case cable isn't available.
Several Domes designed to work with DISH will lock on one of the DISH satellites when powered up and then, at the direction of a receiver, switch to one of the others. Some can do both eastern and western arcs some only western. The problem is they only work with a SINGLE RECEIVER... You can not use multiple receivers unless they all watch the same satellite (or a dual-channel DVR)
On DirecTV the dome/cube/portable automatic, antennas lock on 101, do not do HD at all. If it has dual output it can run multiple receivers.
A tripod mounted dish or an automatic roof mounted DISH matched to the service you have can run multiple receivers.
To set it up:
Unplug receiver. Hook up antenna, Plug back in and go to Antenna Pointing page in set up menu, Enter your current location's ZIP CODE, write down the 3 numbers (Azimuth, Elevation and tilt or Skew).
Make sure mast supporting dish is plumb (Straight up and down) Use shims under the tripod legs if needed.
Next: Loosen the tilt adjustment nuts and pre-set to recommended value, re-tighten,, This will likely be the only adjustment you make on those.
now loosen the elevation, Pre-set to suggested and snug (You will fully tighen later)
SLOWLY swing through the azimuth (I like to go from East to West) till you get a good lock on 101 (the standard def satellite) (NOTE This is for DirecTV, if on dish you lock on a different bird)
When you get a good signal.. Peak it, then push/pull just a touch on the top of the dish to see if you need to adjust elevation.. When you have it peaked both ways lock it down (tighten all bolts/nuts) and enjoy.
NOTE: some receivers you will have to make sure you select the proper antenna.. Direc Receivers are generally not smart enough to do that on their own (Dish does later in the process) .