You forgot to add that when the doofus finally does get on the highway and passes you, he usually gives you the finger.....:E.
I had a guy in a 240Z coming up the on ramp without looking..he gets to the end only to look up at my wife 20' above him...I could not move left...he floors it, drives onto the shoulder and passes me on the right while I slowed...he pulls in front of me and slams on his brakes like he was daring me to hit him....I told my wife, I'd have crushed him like a roach!...anyway he gives me the single digit salute and drives on. A couple miles down the road I exited the freeway and guess who was waiting at the light to turn left...:E...I hit the air horn and waved as I made my right hand turn.....Dennis
BTW...if "they" would rename them ACCELERATION ramps instead of ON ramps, maybe people would understand what they're supposed to be doing when driving on one....what do you think...:h...Dennis