Haven't read all 7 pages of replies but generally have to agree with all replies. I just hate it when I have a clear left lane so I will signal and get into the left lane so t he merging traffic can get on. In many places where we travel locally the on/off ramps are somewhat close to each other. I hate when I pull over and then 4 or 5 vehicles merge and then match my speed as I want to return to the right lane so I can make an exit just ahead. I have put my signal on and it just encourages others to speed up to try to get around me while the front car is still pacing me. I slow down just a tad to let the guy get ahead and that's when the others speed up and wont let me back in. I've been forced to skip my off ramp and go 3 or 4 miles out of my way to get where I wanted to go. My other peeve is when people pull off of a county or side road onto the 4 lane and pull right into my lane. I have arrived at a location of a driver that did this to me and I asked him if he saw me. Yes was his reply but I was supposed to let him into the right lane because its illegal to drive in the left lane. I suggested to him to get a drivers manual and read it. I've gotten to the point that I will dare them to enter my lane while Im alone in the vehicle. I do a lot of cussing if the DW is with me so I don't cause her any harm if the merging car decide to side swipe me.