Jul 07, 2014Explorer
hip operation update
Well, I'm home from the hospital and getting into and out of bed is no problem, bath room is another matter. I don't remember much about the first day, but they gave me two pints of blood on the third day. y grandson, he wasn't too impressed with me. He didn't understand all the tubes and the coarse voice I had. I'll see him in the morning and we will be back to normal for us. Food was good, got to eat any thing I wanted , they even brought me a ice cream cup for snack one night. I did have an episode of low blood sugar and they were running to the kitchen to get stuff for me. Dr wanted me to go to a rehab place here in town and I lasted about 6 hours. I needed pain pills and they were putting me off and I caught them in two lies so I told them to call me a cab and I was going home and I wan't coming back. My primary DR called me today and asked me what was going on since he got a message on his phone about pain pills that he didn't have any idea what it was about. I will go into his office in the morning and see him and get my PT going and some more pain pills. to top it all off our microwave went south, and my internet would not connect. will go buy a new microwave in the morning too. all in all I am doing pretty good with pain today and it will just have to run it's course. thanks for all the prayers.