Recovery depends on whether it is an anterior or posterior approach. With the posterior they don't cut the stabilizing muscles of the hip and you can bear weight that evening. With the anterior the muscles are cut and have to heal before you have full stability and can walk well. But the anterior is easier to do, and slightly more accurate in getting the angles correct. In either case, people are correct when they say that exercise is the key to recovery. The stronger you are before surgery, the more quickly you can get going again, and the more you try to walk after surgery, the better you will do. Remember that the postop pain is less than the preop pain you lived with, and gets better daily if you are strong. Those who moan about the discomfort and don't try to exercise don't have a full recovery. I helped put them in for 3 decades at many places with many systems. There are a few short term differences, but in the long term they all do well if you get walking ASAP.