I hope you have not drilled any holes yet.
The hitch must be at least over the rear axle, 1" forward is ideal, and 2.5" forward is acceptable.
The reason behind the rear axle is un-acceptable is the weight will be taking weight off the front axle, and this can be a problem on a bumpy road. As you go over a bump, with the pin weight ahead of the rear axle, the front tires accept about 1% - 3% of the weight. However if behind the rear axle, then it will take away 1% to 3% and also cause a unsetteling spring to the rear with each time extra pin weight is applied to the hitch.
I would take a roll of the blue painter's tape, and streach out about 20", so the roll hangs down near the center of the rear axle, and put the end near the top of the bed (will act like a plumb bob) to carefully mark the center of the axle (at least within a inch or so). (put about 1" of tape on each side of the truck bed) Then a string between the two sides, and you will have a great idea of the center of the rear axle.