I made a noise comment in my post. It is not obscenely loud but Hondas in general are a bit noisy. I was driving an 01 Dodge diesel when I bought it as a second vehicle for commuting when diesel got well above $4/gal here and up to $5/gal. I drive about 35k a year so that adds up. The truck got 20mpg but the fit avg 40mpg and I was able to take that 35k a year and put 25ish k on the fit reducing my fuel bill substantially not to mention wear and tear on the truck. Which I finally sold with 350k on it and bought a new one last year. All that to say that the truck was pretty loud inside the cab and I had become a noise nazi in my vehicles. The fit was on the border for me as far as noise any louder and even as it was I considered doing some noise abatement to it. I did find that the stock tires that came with it were definitely a part of the problem when they wore out and I put a different set on it helped enough that I never did any other noise abatement. There is just very little sound deadening on the vehicle at least that year no idea how they are now.
If I had proceeded with my noise abatement project on it it would have been a couple hundred dollars and a day of time. And if it worked as well as it did in my truck would have been quite happy.