swimmer_spe wrote:
When you have hook ups for water and sewer:
1)Do you hook up direct to the water system or fill your tanks and drain it down?
2) Do you leave the sewer valves open or closed? What is the best way for it to properly drain?
usually, no. there has been the odd occssion where we've had to do that, usually when temps unexpectedly dip below freezing for an extended time.
leave your valves closed until it's time to dump. two reasons:
1- leaving them open allows odors from the sewer to eacape through your "stink pipes" on the roof into the atmosphere. you and your neighbors won't appreciate that
2- more importantly, leaving the black tank valve open allows the liquid waste to drain leaving much of the solids behind which will, over time, completely dry and form a rock hard pile many of us refer to as a "black pyramid". that will drastically reduce the capacity of your tank. when that happens you'll likely need professional help to clear it. in extreme cases the pyramid will completely block the tank from draining causimg a backup into the RV. we saw that occur in Terre Haute one year. it was not pretty.