It is not that close to freezing in Portland to make me want to winterize just yet. You could just blow out the lines if you are worried about it. It is not worth it to have all that pink stuff in the lines, it will make taking a shower next weekend feel kinda sticky with all the residue. Or just turn on the furnace and set it around 55F. It will keep the pipes warm enough to keep them from freezing. 29F overnight is not going to make the water lines freeze solid. The camper will stay warm enough to prevent that.
Yes I did turn on the heat tape for our water tower at work (Lake Oswego). But I don't think it will be at 30 for a while, so it is still OK. Looking at the forecast on Tuesday, and it calls for 29F overnight, but still things will not freeze solid that quickly, so we should be OK then too.
I spent the winter of 2007/8 in my motorhome at Fairview RV park. I don't recall it getting colder than 26 all winter (perhaps overnight temps where a little cooler) and I used water all winter. Though I filled the tanks on warmer days and dumped once every week or so, then put away the hoses before they could freeze.
Have fun at the coast!