Cloud Dancer wrote:
".....These are the drivers that need to pass you on the interstate, then cut across your front bumper in following space you allow, rather than the 20 car length space behind you....."
I don't fully understand what you're saying. So, how can someone "cut across my front bumper" without me starting to slow down the instant I see them start to come into my lane?
Still, if they are only a few feet ahead me "slamming on their brakes" it's no reason for me to lose control of my vehicle.
Easy. We're talking about drivers who swerve into your lane so close to the front of your vehicle that you can't even see their tail lights. They then slam on their brakes to make an exit that is right there, and unless you have super-human reflexes and amazing brakes, you're unlikely to avoid them.
I once had a station wagon do it to me when I was driving a 28' box truck. As I was passing a KMart, he zipped across into my lane and slammed on his brakes so he could enter their parking lot. I downshifted, locked up my brakes and would have hit him HARD if he hadn't executed his turn just in the nick of time. He had maybe two inches to spare. I did $18,000 dollars worth of damage to my cargo and had no police report to show for it. Never again.