Bumpyroad wrote:
et2 wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
et2 wrote:
Perfect reason to have a dash cam. At least the public would know who the *** holes were. There is too many road commando's these days. I made my mind up long ago after our own experiences. I will not react to someone else's stupidity. I will not swerve or slam on my brakes for them. My dash cam will be the jury.
very wise. smashing up your vehicle, working with insurance companies, using loaner vehicles, is a fun way to spend your vacation days.
It might be better than being dead, like those horses, or maybe killing some other innocent person or family. At least the jerks won't be driving away, and my dash cam is my evidence. That's what insurance is for. Yep I'll take that chance.
wait a second. you state that you would not slam on your brakes,etc. and thus you might be dead. I think you have this backasswards.
I said I'd take my chances, did you miss that part? If someone is stupid enough to deliberately put me and others in danger, like doing some really dumb, it's suppose to be my responsibility to send my 42' 30,000lb MH along with toad screeching across the road to miss this idiot? Sorry I don't see your logic in putting other motorists at risk of injury or death ( who knows, it could be your life I save by my sacrifice) just to not hit this idiot?
If someone cuts in front of me and slams on the brakes, what are the chances of me not hitting them even if I tried? Never said I wouldnt brake, but I'm not "slamming" on them to the point of losing control or sending everything inside my MH out the front window.
Hopefully this clears up your confusion.