colliehauler wrote:
Dave H M wrote:
It seems to me that the ole contractor's generator gripe/bash/what ever thread came back a little earlier than normal? :h
Just like clockwork every year. Instead of talking to the offender direct like a man they hide behind the computer screen and complain to people who can do absolutely nothing about it.
This isn't about a generator, which I would have done something about anyway, but far worse were the people camped next to my church group of over 50 people with children who could hear the loud yelling every other word using 'the effing this' 'effing that'. I put a stop to it. Yes, it was 1:30 in the am when they threatened me for being polite about mentioning quiet times. One guy actually came at me. I knew he was bluffing and by mentioned my attorney he backed off quite well. I think the higher up was more behind that scene than any other powers that be.
Was a wonderful feeling knowing I had done good when all was quiet after that. Those people needed to be told that they shouldn't swear in front of their own young children let alone the church group. That is what got the one guy so mad. I could tell they were the types to see just how far they could try getting away with their bad behavior. I was glad to help them with that.:)