Started with parents who were not campers, but who tried anyway for us. My younger brother wanted to camp for his birthday, and my father had to work, so mom took us all tent-camping for the weekend. It rained, my brother found his friend was not much help setting up their tent, my other brother became sick. Fast forward a few years and I was camping in winter with my Law Enforcement Explorer Post, and camping under the stars as we drove in our school bus, painted white with our post number on it to Fort Collins, CO for the last National Law Enforcement Explorer Conference, where we placed 2nd in Hostage Negotiation!!
Everytime i step into a campground I feel peace, and loved what another poster said so I'll quote, "There is an inner peace that descends over our souls whenever we enter a new or familiar campsite or just enjoy the journey."
Awesome statement and for some reason true for me and the DW. Can't put a finger on it, but we love our camper, and everytime we have been out!! Looking forward to more time, looking at possible sites nearby to do some nearby camping also!