derh20 wrote:
I am trying to understand how the satellite billing systems works for DiretTV and hope members can offer some help. Every time I call DirectTV, I get different information, some conflicting. Here is a little about us. We travel about 4 months per year for 6-7 weeks each. We have DirectTV at home. We are not big TV watchers, mainly watch the news and maybe the History channels. We are interested in receiving the local channels where we are camped. One customer service rep tells me I need to set up a second account. Another rep told me all I need to do is get another receiver and pay an extra $6.50 per month. How does the billing system work for you and how much do you pay for DirectTV for your RV when if you have DirectTV at home?
Re-reading your original post it seems you only want local channels while camping. If that is the case then don't worry about Direct-TV, just use your antenna on the RV. We almost always get HD quality locals using it.
The second part of your original post asks about what is the charge for Direct-TV for the RV if you have a Direct-TV account at home. Everyone has already answered that....take a receiver with you in the RV. Of course the RV will have to have a dish set up or a carry out system. In other words, you are using your home receiver through an RV dish and Direct-TV could care less, there will be no charge.
Now if you want to get local channels where ever you camp then you simply call Direct-TV and change your "service" address. Just keep in mind that not every customer service person you talk to will make this easy, or even do it right. While full timing the first year we used to change our service location frequently and occasionally a customer service rep would mess it up and change our billing. We soon learned just to use our antenna for locals.