elidodge@msn.com wrote:
Last time I went from Balto. Md. to Bost. Mass. pulling my tamden T.T. using I 95 cost over $100.00 in tolls ,and these roads areterrible ( try the G.W. bridge)
x2 And the rates have gone up. I just calced the same route and if I tow my toad, it's $163 to get the Mass state line. I didn't bother calcing the Mass tolls as it was only like 7 or so bucks last time.
Just to get out of Maryland, between the tolls on 95 (and that's not a long stretch) and the Francis Scott Key bridge is 36.00 bucks.
If other states follow suit, buckle up. Between gas and tolls, it's getting expensive to take long trips.