handye9 wrote:
Dog Trainer wrote:
I think we pay plenty period. The Allocation of those funds is what is wrong.
I think this one hits squarely on the nail head.
We have a toll road here, in Illinois. The citizens were told, the road would pay for itself in twenty years, at which time, the tolls would end. That was in 1955. Here we are, almost 40 years past that pay off date, tolls are higher than ever, corruption is rampant, and the toll road is in same disrepair as all the rest.
And here is another thing to think about that is never brought up. for those states that have a toll transponder for your car (in IL it`s called I pass) you put money in the tollway account so the tollway can deduct it from your transponder. well I`ve never seen, heard or read about where the interest from all that money in waiting goes to? and you know there has to be quite a bit! would be curious to know, and then be very upset!!!!!