For all sorts of reasons, campfires don't seem to absolutely essential for Europeans to enjoy their lifestyle.
If you could see the whole gamut of RV vehicles here it would be obvious that there is a huge variation and those monster rigs are usually surrounded by tents and much smaller vehicles. Have a close look at the photo right at the bottom and count the number of bigrigs vs little rigs. One to a hundred perhaps.
Another factor that comes into play is that travelers from the 'rest of the world' - meaning almost every western country apart from the USA, actually travel rather than sitting in one place for most of the year. This means hardly ever being on hookups and often a long way from any sort of back-up so they tend to be a bit more utilitarian in their design. They also need to be 100% winter-capable.
Those type expedition vehicles are way over some kind of top.
compared to a typical class A????