Naio wrote:
Us hillbillies drove 2wd sedans on them every day.
Yeah .... X2 on that.
A lot of the photos of "extreme RVs" on some of the so-called rugged outback area roads in other countries appear to be roads where I could carefully and slowly take our good old Itasca on, too. I think "slowly" is a defining concept here .... many folks would not tolerate creeping along in their RV for around 50 miles at only 7-10 MPH, like we have done. I guess when one is retired they can take the time to do that. ;)
The only I stuff I shy away from with our rig is pin-stripe-overgrowth roads (but I do carry pruning equipment along), non-compacted sand/beach wheel tracks, wet clay roads, and of course well away from the stuff that the lunatic rock-climbing Jeep'ers mess with.