Mold is not to be taken lightly as some are seriously toxic and shouldn't assume you're okay. Has only been recognized as a problem in more recent times. The Russians have even used it as a biological weapon.
The worst case I've heard of was a 22 room mansion (Glen Tara replica) near Austin TX that a couple bought in '98. All it took was a leaking water line to a fridge to cause mold to insidiously spread throughout the house. The couple and their 3 yo son were coughing up blood. The husband ended up with permanent brain damage (they thought he had Alzheimers at first). Took a long time for them to discover the cause was mold. The house was eventually declared a danger to live in and had to be abandoned. Farmers Ins. initially offered them peanuts and the wife spent years in court before getting something. All so very tragic.
This ended up as an episode on Forensic Files and can be watched
here. Melinda Ballard died 5 years ago at 55 allegedly due to kidney disease related to the mold. (Official cause was never made public.) One of MANY stories on this case is
here.Canada has had a lot of cases of mold stemming from the "Leaky Condo Crisis" of the 80s & 90s in buildings due to shoddy construction, poor design and the building code and resulting mold & rot. For quite a few years you could see condos and townhouses all over the place wrapped in humongous tarps while they were stripped down inside and out and rebuilt, costing billions to fix. There are still homes & buildings out today there that have never been addressed and it's buyer beware. Like the Texas mansion case, it can be hiding in your home and you won't know it's there or won't know why you have a persistent cough.