Florida dodged the bullet & got off light.
I beg to differ and find this comment a bit offensive. While it wasn't as bad as it could have been I wouldn't call the damage in the Keys "light", nor all the people that will lose everything due to flooding. And that includes people in GA and SC. I don't think anyone has forgotten the Caribbean but charity begins at home. The president of Mexico had pledged aid for Texas after Harvey and had to renege after Katia and the earthquake occurred as he has to put his own country first-I don't begrudge him that. As far as people just going to the National Hurricane website-not everyone can interpret data.
I think lives were saved by coverage and if drama is required to bolster commonsense and humility, so be it.
X2. The only downside is if they over-dramatize it's possible people will ignore the warnings the next time around. The weather people did the best they could with the information they had. What some people fail to realize is that hurricanes are like two-year-olds-fickle, cranky and very unpredictable. For anyone to criticize forecasters for not being 100% accurate is arrogance at it's best. We should all the thankful it didn't turn out as bad as it could have been but also bear in mind many, many people have lost all they had. We have a nephew that lives in Bradenton that had the common sense to bail last week and arrive in MA on Thursday. He'd rather scrap vacation time to ensure his family's safety then risk it. What he's going back to, no one knows. Even if damage is "light" by comparison it won't reduce the loss if he goes home and finds his home destroyed.