Oct 19, 2013Explorer
I got the best part time job out there
When I retired I said there was two thing I no longer had to do. #1 polish my shoes #2 shave/cut my hair. Found out I did need polish, or mink oil, as my shoe would get wet. Have found no reason to cut my hair in fact had a guy ask me if I was Santa I said no, he ask if I would like to be. Then I put if off for 3 years before started.
#1 got to have a real beard #2 got to have blue eyes #3 pass a UA #4 pass a back ground check, on our last job I could walk around unescorted at the Memphis airport #5 last but not least got to like kids & smile, also remember Santa may be the star but he is not the boss.
I work at small south west mall where 25/30% of the kids still say yes sir, no sir, & thank you sir, most of the kids still have manners not all but most. I think I was lucky to get where I work but knew the area & when my head hunter said the town I jumped on it. I like being Santa where am, most fun job ever. Only down side is I work 40 days with out a day off but I only work 5 weeks a year.
I have been told that with my looks that I could work the big malls where they have 2 Santa's & they work 7/8 weeks but they also make twice what I make.
Santa is the most fun job out there but during the week very boring.
#1 got to have a real beard #2 got to have blue eyes #3 pass a UA #4 pass a back ground check, on our last job I could walk around unescorted at the Memphis airport #5 last but not least got to like kids & smile, also remember Santa may be the star but he is not the boss.
I work at small south west mall where 25/30% of the kids still say yes sir, no sir, & thank you sir, most of the kids still have manners not all but most. I think I was lucky to get where I work but knew the area & when my head hunter said the town I jumped on it. I like being Santa where am, most fun job ever. Only down side is I work 40 days with out a day off but I only work 5 weeks a year.
I have been told that with my looks that I could work the big malls where they have 2 Santa's & they work 7/8 weeks but they also make twice what I make.
Santa is the most fun job out there but during the week very boring.