Hammerboy wrote:
Earlier this spring we bought our current fifth wheel, a Wildcat 29rlx and in the week in between the time we put a deposit on it and when we closed on it I went back to the dealership to verify measurements on the unit. I was shocked at how far off the measurements were. The specs say exterior length - 32' 9" and in reality it was 34' bumper to front of nose cap. I laid my tape down and checked a couple of times as I only have about 34'8" inside my barn with the door closed. I have literately 8" of play after I took off the spare tire. Taking of the spare tire I can live with that as I wasn't going to back out because of that as we really liked the unit. But when I checked the height it was about 6" shorter that stated on the specs. Makes no sense, longer but shorter.
Fast forward two months at a neighborhood party and we were talking to our neighbors a few houses down and they said they were buying a new Fifth wheel, a Keystone Cougar and were picking it up that Friday. I told them half jokingly to check the measurements on their unit and proceeded to tell them about our close call. Long story short, he verified his measurement vs. specs and his unit was to long to fit in his barn! He ended up in a heated discussion with his salesmen and canceled the purchase. He was disappointed but thanked me for it.
The moral of the story is check your measurements. I wonder how many people purchase a unit only to find out it doesn't fit. I would not be a happy camper. Pun intended.
Where do these specs come from? WAG method?
That's why something like the following is always included in Brochures, info, etc. and this is from the specs for your 2017 5er from the FR website:
All information contained on this website is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, during the model year, it may be necessary to make revisions and Forest River, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without notice, including prices, colors, materials, equipment and specifications as well as the addition of new models and the discontinuance of models shown on this website. Therefore, please consult with your Forest River, Inc. dealer and confirm the existence of any material, design or specifications that are material to your purchase decision.