tim1970 wrote:
Is there anything else required to installing 2 6 volt deep cycle batteries other than just removing my old battery, and making sure the 2 new ones are wired in series correctly? Will my current charger/converter and all my 12 volt devices continue to work?
Of course.
tim1970 wrote:
Also, Once I do that, how hard is it to install a pure sine wave inverter, so if we want to watch TV while off the grid? Is this something I can do without having to re-wire my camper?
Inverter installation can be as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it. "Whole house" simply means plugging the trailer's main service cable into the inverter output BUT you do have to remember to turn off your converter so as to not create a closed loop and make sure anything than can run on 120 vac is turned off, such as a water heater electric element. If you don't want to do that each time you use the inverter you can install additional receptacles that are dedicated to the inverter output, just as I did. Your third option is probably the most complicated, installing a transfer switch that will automatically switch to whatever power source your trailer is running on. Your choice. ;)