I believe that this is a multifaceted issue! While undoubtedly there are some “good” salespersons, I believe that many are either totally ignorant about their products or merely want a sale.
We’ve recently been watching a series about people buying RV’s. The vast majority of these folks are totally ignorant about RV’s .....and the salespersons only wants the sale. We watched a show recently, that had a young family wanting to full time..... yet, wanting a unit with a cost of no more than $30K. I wouldn’t buy the unit they purchased for an occasional week-end.....and never for full time use. The salesperson gladly took (stole) their money, and never attempted to educate them about RV living.
I guess that being an RV salesman is not my forte......as I could not, with a clear conscience sell most of these people the RV that they have chosen! memtb