Forum Discussion

rickhise's avatar
Oct 05, 2018

Info about warrenty’s

When the manufacture warranty expires.
What is the general consensus concerning extended warranty’s?
Programs where the work is done by someone beside the
dealer where the unit was purchased.

Hearing horror stories from a couple different camping friends?

Is there such a thing as a go too warranty where the repair shops
Universally recognize the policy .

To be more specific pull behind camper here,
  • The majority of issues happens during the time when you still have the original warranty. After that time start putting some money aside regularly for any problems in the future.
  • Service contracts are well known to be a waste of money for the average consumer. Only 10% of buyers ever save money with them. I use to sell them and I'd never buy one.

    Self insured is the way to go. Put $150/mo for a year into a repair fund and decrease it over time after that. OR, price out a service contract (note that what a dealer sells can be bought for 1/2 what the dealer asks), take that amount and put it in a savings account. Only use if for repairs. Add to it the next year.
  • Warranties are about protection from manufacturing defects in new products. The manufacturer approves and pays for repairs at authorized service centers, usually franchised dealers for the brand.

    Extended warranties are pre-paid service contracts, sometimes also sold as insurance, since the programs are often funded like casualty insurance. Some cover a wide range of service providers, others are restricted to a network of dealers or repair services. Pay close attention to this when you buy.

    Repair shops generally do not recognize extended warranty policies as first payment. You are responsible for paying your repair bills, whatever gets reimbursed to you by the service policy is up to the adminstrator of that extended warranty. Many are restrictive, and may not pay for any work they did not pre-approve. The estimate and approval procedures are a PITA for repair shops generally, so they are even less happy with these programs than medical practitioners are dealing with a multitude of 3rd party insurers.

    These extended warranties or service policies are sold as one of two general classes. One type specifies what is covered (and exceptions), the other specifies what is not covered. The latter tends to be more inclusive, but more expensive.

    You need to way your repair cost risks against cost of this "insurance" while considering what is actually covered. For a towable RV, there is often very little covered, that might not be otherwise covered by casualty insurance, or repairable for less than the premiums.
  • My "extended warranty" is in my tool box. This way I know I'm not going to get the run around, or hear, "claim denied," or, "not covered."
  • Extended warranties are disfavored by me. To, too, two many exceptions.
  • yup...its called cash. we self-insure using our maint. & repair fund we started 32-yrs ago. we add $X to it each month. works well.