MikeDupont wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
1 thing nobody has mentioned is legal problems a safe, or any other hidden compartment can cause. ALEC has managed to get laws past in some states that let state seize any vehicle that has had a compartment installed that could be used to conceal cash, guns, or drugs even if there is no evidence of of cash, guns, or drugs.
There is a Federal law on this as well. Not sure how it applies to motorhomes tho.
I have not heard of a Federal, but that doesn't mean it does not exist. I have heard the Feds telling local departments; If your state or city passed a law limiting your profit from CAF, call US. If we can make a Fed case, we will give part of assets back to dept.
What is ALEC? It seems like most states require a firearm be locked up while traveling.
American Legislative Exchange Council.
hornet28 wrote:
I highly doubt that states or Feds have such a law as some RV manufactures have installed safes in their products.
Feel free to doubt. Just be aware your doubt does not change laws.
The first I heard of this kind of law, I read in a trucking industry magazine that Ohio had passed the law. Years before I had put a false floor in 1 of the luggage compartments on my old Pete. I had no intention of hiding anything, but so I didn't need to lift tool bag over the lip of compartment. But reading the law, I could loose my income state wanted my truck. (I just called dispatch, put Ohio on the list of states I did not run to or thru)
Will the law apply to MH or other RV? Well, IIRC, the law did say it covered compartments not factory installed. And I'm sure that like most laws, it is more likely to be used against people that are darker, dirtier, or poorer than average
at least to start A month or so after I heard of the law my state was talking about it. I asked a Rep in a restaurant about it. He said it was being discussed. Asked "If a man was taking his kids to the beach, put a couple of $20s under the floor mat to buy ice-cream on the way home, could the state take his car?" No, no, nothing like that could happen. "Is there anything in the law to prevent it?"
I got no answer