First, this probably should be moved to the full-time forum.
You didn't state your age and where you plan to be domiciled (your legal address). You don't need to own a house in your domicile state. We use the Escapees RV Club in Livingston, Texas for our mail forwarding and they give us a legal address - tested in the courts. This address is used for all governmental issues - driver's license, insurance, taxes, etc. There are many factors to getting insurance and no two people will be the same.
For us we presently use National Interstate but every two years we go through price comparisons and if we find a cheaper one for what benefits we want, we'll switch.
For medical we have Medicare and our supplement is with Transamerica through Good Sam Club. We've used them for 8 yr. with many surgeries and everything is covered.
Good luck. It takes some investigation and lots of phone calls.