Forum Discussion

  • No one is saying that there aren't people that literally fall on hard times through no fault of their own, or don't have the potential to earn enough to not live paycheck to paycheck, but even some of those folks could if they found more motivation. I employ plenty of Laborers that don't even have a high school education. The motivated ones make $100k a year some years and don't do too shabby the rest of the time. Yet I have a brother in law that wouldn't work if you whipped him.

    Spoon and winnietrey are right on point. Ya don't have to pass judgement, but everyone makes irresponsible financial decisions. Some just more than others.
    I have plenty of friends and peers that have had the same or similar incomes and career paths as I and most of them don't have half the capital or liquidity. Typically because they are gotta haves. Gotta have this, gotta have that.
  • pnichols wrote:

    But IMHO you're still living a bit too High-On-The-Hog. ;)

    i.e. We own three vehicles: The newest is our 2005 motorhome, the next newest is our 2002 daily driver sedan, and the oldest is our 1995 4X4 pickup that we use for carrying stuff and fishing. One of the Golden Rules for living might be Buy it Right and Buy It Once. :B

    You are 100% right, we COULD be investing more. We are trying to strike the balance between saving for the future and taking advantage of the now. As I write this, we are in Florence SC on our way to Florida for 3 weeks to spend time with my parents, and we will overlap one night with my in-laws as they drive down in March.

    toedtoes, yes there are some people who legitimately are just plain down on their luck. The majority of people who plan ahead don't find themselves in this position though. Its usually the people who plan to plan ahead, but don't actually plan ahead. Those that plan ahead and get hit with an unexpected expense usually fare a LOT better than people who just hope for the best...
  • I remember around the turn of the century, the popular message at commencement speeches was "carpe diem". Maybe it should have been carpe posterum to set the proper tone. I see a lot of millennials with high end cars and clothing living at home.