Spending money when you're wondering if you shouldn't maybe is a subliminal message.
For instance, what if you (and maybe a significant other) screw up and live to be 90+? Inflation-adjust the price of a rest home per month per person starting when you're (both), say, 80 and then estimate if you're going to be able to pay for this ... plus everything else leading up to this ... when the time comes.
We try to live by priorities ... which means putting and keeping first things first. For us, going on an RV trip when we "shouldn't" - which certainly includes not having our economic/budgeting ducks in a row for whatever reason(s) - turns out to be a real joy-robber for the entire time of the trip that continues after we arrive home.
Our really over-the-top RV trips are when we have taken care of all higher priorities that we should have taken care of before taking the trip. There is a time and place for everything - but not everything is for everyone anytime.