Why does it bother anyone how anyone else "camps" or "RV's"?
I spent 25 years camping 15-30 days a year in tents. I spent another 2 years camping in a popup trailer. Then I bought a TT. At some point I'll likely buy a 5th wheel, toyhauler or class A.
Camping to me is being outdoors and enjoying nature. I've slept under the stars in a sleeping bag w/o a tent, in a two man tent, in bigger dome tents an in nice RV's. If it's got a firepit, a lot of grass and woods and I'm not home, it's camping to me.
If I leased, rented or bought a piece of property, damn skippy I'd have an awning or carport, maybe a deck, a nice stone firepit, FHU, a flagpole and who knows what else.
A lot of people have "CAMPS" with a few more permanant fixtures. And Yes, their "Camping" also. Can we just drop the "different from my way so it's wrong" attitude some of these posts often bring out? I'm not a lemming, I don't want you to be one either. Our differences are what make it intersting to meet each other. If you were exactly like me, I'd know you before we met.