About 7 or 8 years ago in late summer, I was on a road trip in WV on Hwy 219. Somewhere around Renick; I can't quite recall; I pulled into a private campground, a Passport America park, on the Greenbrier River. For my needs, the $7.50 per/nite FHU site out-weighed my first impression at the front desk, a tiny room divided off from a small old house. It got worse. An old gentleman, well into his late 80's hobbled into the office, followed by his bride of some 65-70 years. Cordial conversation revealed the two of them had owned and operated the campground for many years and it had become a seasonal park for hunters.
I got set-up and walked around the CG. I saw some (lol) vintage tag-alongs in there, most covered with carports, some store bought and many hand-made. There might have been 3 or 4 campers which could have been hitched up and removed. The rest.... well. And with all the campers in the park, I saw one person for the 4 days I camped there, another extended traveler in a conversion van. It was the quietest, most peaceful site I've ever had, outside of boondocking. That N.C. campground looks like a resort, comparatively speaking.