vspeed wrote:
So I have been towing since 2010 with my Sequoia (2010). I have a 6000lbs Jayco. In 2012 my car A/C broke and they had to change the compressor and other things. It would have been expensive but it was under warranty. It broke again this weekend but they say just told me they will have to change everything not just the compressor. Estimated cost is now at 3700.
Could this be caused because I'm towing too much or is it unrelated? The engine or transmission never overheated.
Unless you are running red-line rpms the whole time I cannot see a connection between towing and A/C failure.
What has actually failed? The only component that COULD be affected by continuous high rpms would be the compressor.
The control switches in the system will cycle the compressor on and off as needed. "On" cycles my be shorter if the compressor is running at high speed.
Unless the compressor has grenaded and there is junk throughout the system I cannot understand why they would need to change "everything":h