samsontdog wrote:
All my problems started at 70. One thing after the other. I had the Mohs Surgery
on my cheek three weeks ago and the Dr put in 37 stitches. Looked last night and you can hardly see scar. We are still camping as much as we can. It is not easy getting old. Bad knees, ankles, feet, back,hip but I just got thru laying 50 feet of brick pavers now iceing the back
Boy I hear ya there samsontdog! The guy that dug up my septic tank and pumped it out was 70 years old. I started bailing hay for $1.00 and hour when I was 14. Us older folks can still work like there's no tomorrow. Oh we pay the price but we still do it!
Makes me really laugh every time I see one of those skinny guys in their speedo underware riding their low cut bicycles pretending they are the next Lance Armstrong or in their little titie nylon suits jogging like they're applying for the olympics. I say ... give them a shove and let them dig a ditch and see how long they last! Us old guys, we'd dig till we dropped!... or our knees or backs dropped us!