WTP-GC wrote:
Reason for such few posts...???
Probably because, like this very thread, there’s no useful or new information worth reading. This thread consists of 5 pages of “I don’t have that problem” responses.
But if not for this thread, we’d have our attention drawn to the numerous other threads, of which answers have posted and issues resolved a million times over again already.
When people realize that there’s nothing new to read or discover, they move on.
Thing is. I remember the days when there were anywhere from 5 to 12 pages to look through. We talked, and got to know each other, and helped one another along the way. Some time there is more than one answer to a question. Often one size doesn't fit all. However it seems things have changed, and not for the better. and no. they were different question, different issues, and subjects. Not 12 pages of the same thing.
we talked about tires of course, brake controlers, Campgrounds, roads to and from CGs. Well just every thing. But now we sometimes get 2 pages and that is it. Usually just one. It just isn't so much fun anymore.
And yes. I do get aggravated having to prove I'm a live.